EUCOPAS Joint Activities are selected events and conferences supported by partners which enrich the European dialogue between politics and academia.
Lecture 1: The future of the Eurozone with Prof Tsoukalis and Prof Streeck
PhD Workshop 1: "Recovering from the Crisis? The Uncertain State of the EU"
Opening Conference: The European Union between integration and disintegration -Reflections on the last decade and beyond-
MA Summer School 1: European Refugee Crisis and the EU-Turkey relations
THESEUS: THESEUS is a joint activity of Sciences Po Paris, the Jean Monnet Chair of the University of Cologne, the Trans European Policy Studies Association (Brussels) and the Fritz Thyssen Foundation (Cologne).
PROTEUS: PROTEUS is a multinational and interdisciplinary course in law and politics of the European Union, using simulation exercise carried out by a cooperation of different partner institutions.