EUCOPAS' activities aim to reach out to different stakeholders in both the academic and public field. The MA Summer School as well as the PhD workshops are of particular interest for students as well as young academics. The public lecture and the conferences are open to the wider public in order to enhance the debates on actual topics concerning the European Union.
All activities take place on an international platform aiming to enhance the exchange between Europeans and generations. EUCOPAS furthermore welcomes students and the general public, who have not yet been in regular contact with EU-related topics, to participate in its activities.
MA Summer Schools
MA Summer School 2016: European Refugee Crisis and the EU-Turkey relations
MA Summer School 2017: Attached, detached, unmatched? Alternative partnerships beyond EU membership
MA Summer School 2018: The post-2020 EU budget negotiations and democratic norm violations
Public Lectures
Lecture 1: The future of the Eurozone with Prof Tsoukalis and Prof Streeck
Lecture 2: 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaty with Meyer-Landrut, Costa, Rozenberg and Wessels